Our Beginnings

Where Leadership, Community, and Illumination converge…
Rockingham County Champions Of Education logo

The desire to create the NC 100 came from social justice work that started in 2011 by the Rockingham County Champions for Education (RCCE www.rockchamps.org), who primarily used social interactions/events to raise small dollar scholarships to graduating seniors from the four major Rockingham County High Schools, as well as serving as a conduit for increasing professional networking with former students within and outside of Rockingham County.

Approved for 501 C 3 status in 2015, RCCE began a partnership with the Reidsville Area Foundation (RAF) that involved the expansion of an existing RAF program that focused on lending support to students, teachers, and parents of potentially disadvantaged Rockingham County students. The program was called CASA (Community Advancement, Support, and Advocacy) and operated under the umbrella of RCCE activities in support of our belief that individuals and groups working
together have the power to change their communities for the better.

Our goals in this work were to find ways to intentionally create space for teachers and parents to interact, as well as explore using Moss Street as a community hub for other programs and round table conversations to impact a full range of outcomes both financial and educational.

The NC 100 was born, continuing to partner with RCCE and other mission-aligned organizations and groups to positively impact all students in the public school system, and the community at large.

Next steps...

How do youcan you or will you use your individual or organizational power to build the best environment for the community?